How can Quality help you and your practice?

Our Physio First Quality scheme gives you the opportunity to demonstrate, through fully evidenced and validated data, how effective the quality of treatment and care are in your clinic, whilst at the same time helping you meet the updated HCPC standards. 

Our Quality Assured Practitioner (QAP) and Quality Assured Clinic (QAC)* schemes are available to Physio First members who participate in our data collection scheme (DfI), and are based on meeting a required number of data sets, and set criteria in order to achieve the award. 


Those working towards the Quality kite-mark will receive individualised reports from the University of Keele, together with the National Reports to benchmark your outcomes. This information can be shared with your patients and the wider community as a marketing tool to highlight how your care and treatment methods achieve the best outcomes for patients. 

*Clinics with non-member MSK physios can all be part of our QAC scheme via our QAC participation programme  

Achieving QAP and/or QAC

To find out more about how you achieve our exclusive Quality kite-mark, click on this link. The information also includes how you can get your MSK physios who are not members of Physio First started on helping you to achieve Quality Assured Clinic status. Physio First sole practitioners, and clinics made up fully of Physio First members are entitled to the QAC once they have achieved QAP status. 



How is Quality awarded? 

Our Quality awards are designated to Physio First members who:

  • Participate either as a sole practitioner or a clinic in our DfI scheme
  • Achieve the required number of discharged data sets per year
  • Collect PROM data from patients
  • Meet the quality criteria as defined by Physio First in collaboration with the University of Keele

Our QAP and QAC awards are renewable annually.

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What does the data show us?

Our research team at University of Brighton have been unstacking our large data bank over recent years and have created some powerful messages from that data which Physio First members are able to use in the promotion and marketing of the value of their practice to existing, and potential patients. 

This information can be supplied to Physio First members in the form of ready designed infographics, or for members who have the technology, can be produced directly from the individualised reports supplied by the University of Brighton. If you are a Physio First member participating in DfI, please log in to discover our suite of infrogaphics and guidance on how they can be used for the promotion of your practice. 

Source of publications by the University of Brighton

Please click here to download the list of publications produced by the University of Brighton using data from the Physio First Data for Impact scheme plus Links 

A Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) is defined as: any report of the status of a patient’s health condition that comes directly from the patient, without interpretation of the patient’s response by a clinician or anyone else.

Data for Impact E-resources

Quality in Private Physiotherapy e-booklet

This guide explains how our Physio First Quality schemes will benefit you, and add value to your practice. Click here to access this resource

Data for Impact Quality Assurance Scheme e-booklet

Find out more about our unique to Physio First data collection scheme and how it can help you work towards becoming a Quality Assured practioner. Click here to access this resource 


Click below to find out more about our schemes

Data for Impact

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Quality Assured Practitioner

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Quality Assured Clinic

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