Our vision, or intent, was originally agreed in 2018 by our executive committee, when we developed our three-year business plan consisting of five goals, this was then revised in 2020 to reflect the value element of our intent.
We know from feedback that our members want to "make a difference in, and exert some influence over the healthcare marketplace", and these are the key principles underlying our plans. To do this, Physio First needs to be organised, functional, have a clear purpose and harness our passion and that of our members for quality, patient-led physiotherapy.
Our five goals for 2023 to 2025 are summarised below
Goal 1
To move our DfI and quality assurance schemes from Physio First to where the cost, development and benefits can be shared with other stakeholders in the private healthcare marketplace.
Goal 2
To deliver our November 2022 refined Member Value Proposition.
Goal 3
To formulate a strategic commercial relationship with The Physio Co-op as it develops from a start-up business.
Goal 4
Develop our Skills Exchange Programme so that 1) they become regular occurrences throughout the UK 2) we can maximise the new member recruitment opportunities they present and 3) we are in a position to assess whether we might run a large annual face-to-face event that is based on it.
Goal 5
To continue to research and if cogent establish a viable business case to:
facilitate Physio First Quality Assured Clinics to provide third year undergraduate physiotherapy students interested in private practice to gain clinical experience with them
persuade such students, with the support of their universities, to become Members of a new Physio First Student Network and thereafter be listed as contacts for Physio First members to consult about work opportunities and their employment needs into the future.