Doing business through relationships – through respect, no blame, good communication, structure and planning.
Physio First is an organisation of more than 2000 physiotherapists in private practice – and we all work together for the good of self-employed private practitioners, those physiotherapists who work for them, and our patients.
We believe in showing total respect for others, whether volunteers or our Physio First office team. This means behaving with integrity and helping others feel valued.
No blame
We accept that anyone can make a mistake but that we have to demonstrate trust to empower – trust in a person’s honesty and in a person’s competence – and operating a no blame culture is empowering. Our aim is to respond to mistakes by offering help and support, and not to blame.
We value good communication and we always strive to give clarity and context, to proactively listen, look at others’ viewpoints and provide an environment of openness, trust and positivity.
We have three structural elements each of which have equal importance.
- Operational: That aspect which for commercial organisations brings in the money but which in Physio First (Trade Association) terms is our Educational Courses, Journal, Conference, Member Benefits, Advice and Support, Job Profiles to Peer Reviews, Appraisals and Accounts.
- Strategic: The need to take time to “think” rather than “do” and to plan where we are going and to monitor our progress on a regular basis by reference to our Business Plan.
- Support services: From Office procedures, to rules about meetings.
Through detailed planning of our business we reduce risk, frustration, conflict and misunderstandings. Planning, coupled with our culture of no blame, good communication, and structure, makes for better relationships.
Click here to view our diversity policy.