Quality Assured Clinic (QAC) assessment
Problem – Our member joined Physio First in November 2022 as she wanted her clinic to become a QAC. She signed herself and her two colleagues as QAC Participants up to our DfI scheme and together they started to work towards entering the required number of data sets calibrated upon their declared hours of work before the end of Dec 2022. By early March she hadn’t heard anything about her status.
Response – She contacted our Physio First membership team and received immediate confirmation that we would check what had happened with the University of Brighton, who recieve, analyse and validate the data.
Outcome – The University of Brighton team confirmed that our member's data had been retained within the general data bank and had not been identified for analysis. This was an anomaly that was subsequently eradicated. The member's data was checked against the Quality criteria and she was informed that she had achieved her Quality Assured Practitioner (QAP) award, and her clinic had achieved QAC status.
Feedback - Our member confirmed that she was delighted with the speed of action of both from Physio First and the University of Brighton to resolve the issue, and that she had achieved both the QAP and QAC awards.