Spring 2017 - Exercise
4. Adherence to therapeutic exercise - how do we help our patients adhere to physiotherapy?
All clinicians will be aware of the frustrations of patients who do not seem to adhere to general treatment plans and, for physiotherapists in particular, patient adherence with therapeutic exercise programmes can be especially difficult to achieve. This articel examines the problems with patient adherence in general, and exercise adherence in particular.
Sarah Dean
10. Injury, tissue capacity and load management
Injuries can be broadly categorised into direct and indirect. Direct injuries have an obvious cause, while indirect ones are less obvious, making their management more challenging
Chris Norris
16. Exercise and multiple sclerosis
There is growing evidence of the value of exercise and physical activity programmes to manage the symptoms of mutlple sclerosis. The importance of increasing everyday physical activity and of breaking up sedentary time with regular standing is also becoming more recognised in MS.
Marianne Hensman
22. Exercise with pain
There is so much literature on the themes of the role of exercise when it comes to pain that it is difficult to offer a comprehensive view. This article highlights three key areas and follows each with a clinical discussion.
Greg Lehman
28. Pilates as therapeutic a exercise
The use of the exercsie method know as Pilates within the field of exerise rehabilitiation has grown steadily over the past few decades. However, exactly how this exercise method is best adapted is often poorly understood
Glenn Withers
34. Why shouldn't we just stick to stick men and be done with it?
Evidence shows that patients are more likely to adhere to home exercise and perform them more accurately using narrated video clips, than line drawings.