10 Sep 2020

Autumn 2020 - Touch the facts

Touch, as a physiotherapy modality is a major tool in achieving the best outcomes for our patients. This edition explores the various benefits of using hands-on treatments, as well as the options available in the situation where in-clinic options are not available.


The clinical application of touch: decision making from an emotion-informed perspective

The application of touch in physiotherapy may have therapeutic benefit through several possible mechanisms, but may not always be appropriate. This article will provide a brief introduction to how the presenting emotional state of the patient can influence our decision making with regard to if, when and how touch may be applied within the clinical context, with examples based on real cases

Kent Fyrth


Connective tissue and fascia: a research update on tissue stiffness in relation to the connective tissue system

The term “stiffness” is highly complex and involves many aspects. Establishing the primary cause(s) of stiffness can be a Herculean task, especially when the scope of the physiotherapist can be limited to investigating mainly anatomical, neurophysiological and mechanical triggers. The aim of this article is to introduce additional hypotheses for why patients may experience increased stiffness, whether caused by neurological injury or due to local tissue pathology.

Michelle Watson


The meaning of manual therapy in the practice of musculoskeletal physiotherapists: a thematic analysis

This article examines the biomedical and socio-cultural perspective on manual therapy within the physiotherapy profession. An important aspect of qualitative research is to provide perspectives, promote a questioning response in the reader and to encourage further inquiry on the topic. As part of my MSc study into this area, I undertook the qualitative research process to obtain, record, interpret and present the data and, in developing my research question, I wondered if the topic of manual therapy could be investigated differently, and I attempt to explore that possibility in this presentation of my research results, and conclusions drawn.

Sean Case


The case for hands-on soft tissue treatment

In 1985, I began my career as a pioneer of a “new thing” called sports massage. Training in those days was extremely basic, but thanks to some natural hands-on ability, a lot of selflearning and an active involvement in sport, I have built a long and successful career. This article is based on my 35 years’ experience as a hands-on soft tissue therapist, rather than on academic study and research.

Mel Cash


Telehealth: how to make your consultations more professional

Earlier this year, clinicians were forced to pivot to telehealth consultations when quarantine and movement restrictions came into play. Across the globe, everyone is facing unprecedented circumstances and many are open to new ways to continue healthcare, work and play.

Mark Opar