
Who are Medbelle?

Medbelle Ltd, are the first UK digital hospital group. Their vision is to provide better quality hospital healthcare through exceptional patient service and smarter, more intuitive technology across various private healthcare sectors including orthopaedics, ophthalmology, weight loss and cosmetic surgery. Their mission, to raise the standard of healthcare and make it accessible to all by combining patient-centric care with technology that ensures the patient experience is organised, personalised and seamless.

They have a network of surgeons, doctors and health care professionals in all sectors operating from a range of private hospitals where they negotiate for operating time and beds. They are in contact with their patients digitally.

Medbelle also:

  • feel strongly that for patients to have a great experience there needs to be a solid human connection for which they employ Patient Care Advisers to support, listen to and be with the patient through their treatment journey
  • work only with highly qualified and experienced professionals
  • build and developed technology that allows them to monitor and review the patient experience and make changes to remove any stresses and outdated lengthy processes to ensure the highest level of quality for all patients


How will this relationship work?

In order to be able to demonstrate to Medbelle that you qualify for this scheme you need to be a QAC clinic or a QAP sole trader or in preparation for this registered to collect data through Physio First Quality schemes with the University of Brighton. This will give Medbelle confidence that they are working with clinicians willing to have their outcomes measured. 

Once registered for the Medbelle Physio First Member Scheme 

You will be able to:

  • refer your patients directly to Medbelle orthopaedic surgeons with a guarantee that they will be referred back for their post-op rehabilitative treatment
  • agree your treatment rates and session numbers directly with Medbelle with assurances that your measured quality will be recognised 
  • receive an additional £150 administration fee per episode of post-op care following the completion of patient outcome data and meeting agreed patient outcome goals


  • receive referrals from Medbelle to treat their post-op patients where a referral is not from a referring healthcare provider
  • access the patient’s surgical notes, agree patient outcomes and complete agreed patient outcome data through the secure Medbelle App
  • refer their family and friends through the Medbelle Physio First family and friends’ scheme for preferential treatment rates (more about this in our FAQs)

View our FAQs for more info


To register for the Medbelle Physio First Member Scheme and to talk to a member of the Medbelle team about how this will work for you please contact them here.

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