Data for Impact FAQs

What is Data for Impact (PF-DFI)

In 2005 the Standardised Data Collection System was developed for private practitioners by Physio First, with the University of Brighton (UoB), and funded by the Private Physiotherapy Educational Foundation (PPEF).

Between 2009 and 2013 Physio First members used this system to collect data which was analysed and then published in 8 snapshot reports which are now available to members by clicking here to follow through to our benefits page where they are located.

In 2013 the UoB and Physio First evolved a new, shortened version; the short form tool that is easier to complete than the previous versions, and will be permanently available to our members. So, having learned over the past 5 years “how to collect and analyse data”, we can now not only continue to do it, but also begin the process of learning how to use it.

This short form tool was piloted between March and Mid-April 2014, and our preliminary results were analysed. Following the success of this pilot, the full collection project was launched in November 2014. If you wish to have access to an example of the later shortform tool results, please contact Physio First on 01604 684960 or email us on [email protected]

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Our eBooklet tells you everything you need to know about becoming a Quality Assured Practitioner. It explores how acheiving QAP will help you and your clinic, and includes sections that you can share with patients. Just click the image for your own copy and please feel free to share it on your website, in your emails and on social media..

 Download the DFI ebooklet


Exciting times
The short form tool was launched November 2014 as a permanent, on-line, developing bank of data that is downloaded and analysed every two months.

Physio First, and in time individual practitioners, will be able to draw upon this analysed data to fight our market place battles, “champion” private practice and back up what “we know we know”; without this data, who would listen? Please join in this collection by clicking on the link:  Join the Physio First Data for Impact (PF-DFI) Study

You can contact Shemane Murtagh at the University of Brighton via email [email protected]

We also have a five minute tutorial that will help you get started in using the online data collection tool.

If you want to hear what our Chair and Vice Chair had to say about the value of the project at our 2014 Physio First conference click below to view their presentation: “Data Collection Revealed” Conference Presentation 2014
If you would also like to hear how pivotal this data is to our future and why you really do need to join this collection please click on this year’s presentation from our Chair – “Physio First Revealed” Conference Presentation 2015: “Physio First Revealed” Conference Presentation 2015

[Reviewed - August 2022]

Why should I join Physio First's Data for Impact?

Physio First, together with the University of Brighton and funded by the PPEF have developed the Data for Impact programme which enables our members, through submitting anonymised treatment and outcome data on their patients, to obtain national reports on the efficacy of physiotherapy. This information enables us to champion evidence based, cost-effective physiotherapy to our stake-holders and our patients. 

It is only by participating in Data for Impact that you can become a Physio First Quality Assured Practitioner (QAP) or Physio First Quality Assured Clinic (QAC).

[Reviewed - March 2019]

How many discharged patients records do I need in order to be assessed for the QAP scheme?

A minimum of 50 completed, i.e. discharged patient, data sets need to be input on the DfI system within a 12 month period in order for your data to be assessed by the University of Brighton (UoB) for QAP status.

Please be aware that only complete data sets are counted towards the QAP scheme.

The computer will count all records which could include incomplete or blank records.

How often is data downloaded by the University of Brighton?

Data is downloaded and analysed by the University of Brighton (UoB) in January and October each year. They will email you with a reminder when each analysis is due to happen to enable you to input your discharged patients in time.

The team at UoB, prepare individualised reports for those practitioners who have input at least 50 completed (discharged) patient data sets. These practitioners’ data will also be assessed for our Physio First QAP scheme.  Please note that only patients who have been discharged from the DfI system will be included within the data analysis. 

The UoB team will aim to give individualised feedback regarding QAP status within two months of each download.

Updated Dec 2022

How does Physio First ensure that the data uploaded on Data for Impact (DfI) is reliable and unbiased?

All studies are dependent on the accuracy of the data given which, in this case is not subject to independent verification. As professionals, and within our professional codes of conduct (see further reading), we would require that accurate data is given to ensure the integrity of the study.

Patient outcomes, as collected via the DfI system (a standardised data collection system) are analysed independently by the University of Brighton (UoB) who in turn are able to advise individual participants whether they have meet the QAP or QAC criteria.

In addition, we are now able to collect Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) electronically, including the BmPROM, which will further validate the data.

Further reading

1. CSP code of conduct  (2012)

2.2    Members act with integrity, honesty and openness

2.2.3    Provide truthful and accurate information.

3.3    Members communicate effectively

3.3.3    Provide full, accurate and truthful information about the services that they deliver, including the outcomes of their activity

4.4     Members support the development of Physiotherapy

4.4.1    Contribute to the development of physiotherapy, including by enhancing its evidence base and implementing this in practice

2. HCPC Standards of Conduct, performance and ethics (2018)

3.     You must keep high standards of personal conduct.

10.     You must keep accurate records.

13.     You must behave with honesty and integrity and make sure that your behaviour does not damage the public’s confidence in you or your profession.

You must justify the trust that other people place in you by acting with honesty and integrity at all times. You must not get involved in any behaviour or activity which is likely to damage the public’s confidence in you or your profession.

[Reviewed - March 2019]

Are there any tips for inputting data to the online system?

We will all have different ways of managing this.

  • Inputting data whilst with the patient is in the treatment room. This has been found to help the patient to engage with the process.
  • Completing a paper form while the patient is in the room. The paper form can be found in the User Guide supplied by the University of Brighton (UoB).
  • Input relevant information to the online system from written patient notes when is convenient for you.

In this instance we advise inputting as soon as you can after seeing the patient.

You may find you need to adapt your systems in order to have accurate information, e.g. did the patient take the first appointment offered or was the delay in seeing the patient due to their inability to attend? If this is the case then record this under ‘influencing factors’ patient unable to attend first appointment offered.

What data is analysed by UoB for the QAP/QAC scheme?

Remember that only data that is discharged will be included in the analysis by UoB.

Please be aware that only complete data sets are counted towards the QAP scheme. The computer will count all records which could include incomplete or blank records.

You will need at least 50 discharged patients within a 12 month period.

[Reviewed - March 2019]